Nancy Samalin


Testimonial Letters


Child Abuse Prevention Council

Dear Nancy:

On behalf of CAPC, I would like to thank you for speaking at our conference. You were wonderful. Everyone enjoyed your presentation and many people said how much they learned from you. I am enclosing a copy of the evaluations.

Nancy, I feel that we may never really know the effect your words had on the lives of the children whose parents attended the conference. Nevertheless I believe, their lives will be enriched. My favorite quotation from a parent attending the conference is:

"I learned that a child is a person, not an object, that the way we want to be treated, we should treat in the same manner, be loving, implement decision making and planning with them."

Other comments that I found very heart warming are:

"Talk to the heart not to the mind. Thanks for the encouragement to keep trying to be a good mother I am capable of being. Nancy -- you did a great job!"

"I thought Nancy was an excellent speaker, she made it fun to listen to her by her humor. The information was very helpful although I don't have any kids."

Nancy, I think these comments express the general feeling of the people at the conference. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom in raising children.

I enjoyed meeting you and hope we can actualize our plans of having you speak here again.


Copyright 2005 Nancy Samalin


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